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Weekly marches have been taking place in cities around the world since the start of Israel’s bombardment of Palestine began.
Over 22,000 people have been killed, over 10,000 children.
Each weekend in Melbourne around 10,000 people have taken to the streets calling for a ceasefire.
This week’s march takes place after, South Africa and Israel delivered their oral arguments in the International Court of Justice, after South Africa accused Israel of genocide, and an alliance of Western countries attacked Yemen, who have been blocking Israeli linked shipping in the Red Sea.
People arriving
The crowd is starting to grow at the State Library and Bluey is marching today.

Cheers for South Africa
The speeches are about to start, but right now the person on the microphone is thanking South Africa for taking Israel to the ICJ.
And a couple of signs

Big love for South Africa in Melbourne today. The speaker reminds the crowd Nelson Mandela was a founder of the armed wing of the ANC and was listed as a terrorist until 2008.
Indigenous activist and academic, Gary Foley is addressing the crowd. He told the people collective punishment used to be considered a war crime and it still is.
Thanks South Africa and talks about their history of apartheid, which Palestinians now endure.

An ambulance just drove through the guts of the crowd, that was quickly pushed back by Marshall’s.
It was reported yesterday there are only six ambulances in Gaza that are running.
Stalked through Caufield
The Zionists on Twitter were complaining on Twitter recently the fella below rode his scooter through Caufield.
He told me he was stalked by a car of Zionists while he was in the suburb.

The march has reached Bourke St after a quick stop at “Boycott Macca’s”. Going to Zara?
Yes: “Zara we are coming, while the bombs are dropping”


The chant was led by a 7 year old child as the march was approaching Parliament House.
There really is a lot of love in the crowd today. The crowd seems larger today than leading into and straight after Christma.
South Africa’s ICJ case has inspired folk to rock up?


